TAB125: Creating a Multi-Author Universe from Scratch with guest Martha Carr

TAB125: Creating a Multi-Author Universe from Scratch with guest Martha Carr

Author Martha Carr joins us this week to take a deep dive into the creation of a multi-author universe. We’ll discuss topics like creating the universe name, selecting the core group of authors to write the books, the creation of art, covers, storylines, the social media community, and the website. We’ll even get into things like the technology involved in managing those storylines and how the various authors work together to create their books.

TAB113:  Finding the Time to Build a Successful Writing Career

TAB113: Finding the Time to Build a Successful Writing Career

The idea for this episode came from a listener who wanted to hear from a guest who was more like him. Someone with a spouse, family, kids, responsibilities, not enough time to write and a lack of money for marketing.

The first name that came to mind when I read the request was today’s guest, Justin Sloan. He spent five years as a Marine and has a master degree in creative writing from John Hopkins. He also has a wife, a job, and a young family. Justin joins us this week to discuss the balancing act between writing, work, and family.

CS03: Martha Carr Launch Strategy Case Study, Episode 3 of 6

CS03: Martha Carr Launch Strategy Case Study, Episode 3 of 6

Martha Carr is publishing six thrillers over the course of 91 days, and she’s agreed to share sales and marketing details with us after each book is released to discuss how the series is performing. This is episode three of a six episode, nearly real-time case study. Michael Anderle joins us again this week to add perspective to the results Martha has seen to date. (Be sure to subscribe, so you don’t miss an episode of the case study.)

CS02: Martha Carr Launch Strategy Case Study, Episode 2 of 6

CS02: Martha Carr Launch Strategy Case Study, Episode 2 of 6

Martha Carr is publishing six thrillers over the course of 91 days, and she’s agreed to share sales and marketing details with us after each book is released to discuss how the series is performing. This is episode two of a six episode, nearly real-time case study we’re doing with Martha. In this week’s episode, Martha’s mentor in the process, Michael Anderle joins us to add some perspective to the results Martha has seen to date. (Be sure you’re subscribed, so you don’t miss an episode of the case study.)