TAB141: Going Indie With A Traditionally Published Series, with Jennifer Ashley

TAB141: Going Indie With A Traditionally Published Series, with Jennifer Ashley

In this week’s episode, we discuss the process of self-publishing a series that had previously been traditionally published with NYT, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling author Jennifer Ashley.

Jennifer didn’t just decide to continue her Stormwalker series, she also made the decision to invest in the continuation of audiobooks for her series, hiring the same narrator her publisher had selected to narrate the books originally.

TAB126: Transitioning From Indie Author to Indie Publisher, with Michael Anderle

TAB126: Transitioning From Indie Author to Indie Publisher, with Michael Anderle

My guest today is Michael Anderle. This is Michael’s fourth visit to the show, and his first visit, Zero to $10k Per Month in 90 days is still the most popular Author Biz episode of all time, not counting the thousands of times the video of that show has been seen on YouTube.  

November 3rd, marks the two year point from Michael’s first published book, and in those two years, he’s gone from being an indie author to a successful indie author to a really successful indie author and now he’s a successful indie publisher, whose company, LMBPN publishing is currently publishing over a dozen books and a half dozen audiobooks each month.