Online Marketing Fauzia Burke Large

Author and Entrepreneur Fauzia Burke is the guest on this episode of The Author Biz

Today’s topic is online marketing for busy authors. How’s that for a hook to a post and a show, right?

Fauzia-Burke-lgWell, that’s actually the title of a new book by Fauzia Burke.  After spending 20 years helping authors promote their work online, Fauzia has finally written a book, which she calls a Step-by-Step guide to help us navigate the dizzying range of online marketing options available to us today as authors.

In addition to her work as an author, Fauzia is the founder and President of FSB Associates. She’s worked in book marketing and publicity for all of her professional life. After starting her career in the marketing departments of two large publishers, she founded FSB, one of the first firms to specialize in Internet publicity and marketing for publishers and authors, in 1995.

We cover a lot of ground in this 48-minute interview, including topics like author branding and the importance of identifying your reading audience. Then we discuss various ways in which you can, and should, engage with your readers, now matter where you are in your writing journey. 

Fauzia Burke Interview Notes:

Fauzia shares her professional history as the founder and president of FSB Associates and her 20-year history of book promotions.

Online-Marketing-for-Busy-Authors-hi-resWe discuss the ways in promoting her first book, ONLINE MARKETING FOR BUSY AUTHORS, is different than her experience promoting the books of her clients.

We discuss the difference between marketing, publicity and public relations.

Fauzia shares her thoughts on the long term benefits of relationship building as an author.

We discuss the specifics of her marketing plan for ONLINE MARKETING FOR BUSY AUTHORS

We discuss the importance of branding yourself as an author, with a focus on branding for novelists.

We discuss the importance of analytics and Fauzia shares the metrics she feels are the most important for authors to track.

Knowing your readers is essential for any author. Fauzia shares some tips on how narrowing your focus can help you reach your readers more effectively.

We discuss the importance of reader engagement to the long term success of any author.

Fauzia shares specific advice for both new, or aspiring authors, and for authors who have already published several books.


Thanks for Listening!

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Thanks to Fauzia Burke for joining us this week!

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