Sometimes the fates just work together perfectly.  I had a show suggestion from listener Mendi Lowe who suggested a show about authors making the most of their backlists. Then I saw that Chris Fox had a new book coming out, today, in fact, titled Relaunch Your Novel: Breathe Life Into Your Backlist.  

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I reached out to Chris, who is also a member of The Author Biz Facebook Group and we put together today’s show, which deals with one of biggest issues facing prolific authors today.

When, how and why should an author take the steps to relaunch their backlist.

Chris lists six different ways of relaunching in the book and we’ll talk about some of those, as well as some nitty gritty specifics of his own series relaunches.  We also delve into the importance author branding and even get into marketing audiobooks.  

Near the end of the show, we chat about the 20booksto50k conference coming up this November in Las Vegas.  Chris, as well as several other Author Biz guests including Michael Anderle, Martha Carr, Craig Martelle, Scott Paul, Honoree Corder, Bryan Cohen, Chris Syme, Brian Meeks, Michael Cooper are scheduled to speak at the event. You can learn more about the conference by visiting


Buy Relaunch Your Novel at Amazon

Visit Chris’s website:

Join us at the 20books conference

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