Bestselling author Diane Capri is the guest in Episode 16 of The Author Biz.

Diane Capri

Diane Capri

Diane Capri is the bestselling author of twelve mystery and suspense novels, which include THE HUNT FOR JACK REACHER series, as well as THE HUNT FOR JUSTICE Series.

Diane is also the driving force behind THE DEADLY DOZEN, the immensely successful box set released earlier this year that reached best seller status on both the New York Times and USA Today Lists.

In this interview, we’ll discuss Diane’s HUNT FOR JACK REACHER SERIES, the first of which is DON’T NOW JACK.  Then we dive into the how and why the partnership that became The Twelve was put together.

The Twelve was a unique, perhaps a one of a kind collaboration, but there’s much we can learn from the thinking behind this remarkable author partnership. They had a plan and a desire to produce something that was newsworthy and they all worked together to make it happen.

While the success of THE DEADLY DOZEN may have been unique, you’ll learn in this interview that Diane and the group didn’t stop with that success. The Twelve is continuing forward with another unique and buzzworthy project called FLIGHT TWELVE.

I’ve noted some other interview highlights below for people looking for information on specific points.

  • The Hunt for Jack Reacher series and the many challenges of building a series based upon the history of an iconic character like Jack Reacher.
  • How did the authors who produced the box set, THE DEADLY DOZEN, come together?
  • The original goal behind THE DEADLY DOZEN was to make the books available to every reader on the planet. How was that accomplished?
  • The pre-release steps the group took to make their project a success. How did the group make sure as many people as possible learned about the project?
  • The authors that make up The Twelve live around the world. The used things like Facebook chats and Google Hangouts when they needed to communicate.
  • The challenge of finding something unique and fun as a followup project, and the birth of FLIGHT TWELVE, twelve novellas by twelve different authors, all moving readers toward a yet to be decided ending.
  • While the multi-author box set was the driver for the original success of The Twelve, Diane feels as though the idea is less effective now because it is less newsworthy. She still thinks the idea has merit, but her goals for new projects of this type will be different than the goals of THE DEADLY DOZEN. She is participating in a new multi-author box set coming in November called UNLUCKY 7.
  • Diane combines her work into single author box sets. She explains why she believes some readers prefer to read that way.

Interview Links:

Diane Capri’s Website –

Website for The Twelve –

Diane’s Amazon Author Page 

Diane’s Facebook Page

Diane’s Twitter Page

The Deadly Dozen II – Just released on Amazon

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